Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Key to my Heart.

This is a Haiku I wrote about Blackwell Dairy Farm chocolate milk, which happens to be the one and only way to my heart (see About Me):

Smooth, velvety, rich
Best in the whole universe
Creamy chocolate milk

Note: Please pronounce chocolate like "chok-lat" in order for my Haiku to be correct.


  1. I gather any chocolate milk won't do! How about the chocolate syrup you can pour in milk? Then you can make it as chocolate as you like.....lol! Does this mean you have finally went grocery shopping?

  2. The linguistics perspective: Mel, you are very right to pronounce Chocolate the way you do in your Haiku, don't let anyone tell you it's wrong. In everyday speech (which is what counts) this is how it is pronounced. No one actually pronounces it with 3 syllables. You go girl!
